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RULES & REGULATIONS OF THE UPM International Academia Run 2024 

1. The UPM International Academia Charity Run 2024 is organised by the Faculty of Educational Studies, UPM, with the full support of Universiti Putra Malaysia in accordance with these Rules and Regulations, and all the terms and conditions and other relevant rules and regulations applicable to the participants of the event. 

2. By signing up for and providing any information, personal or otherwise, in order to gain access to any product(s) and/or service(s) and/or participate in any program(s), event(s), talk(s), demonstration(s), and/or any other activities involving the Organiser and/or the Event sponsors (the “Sponsors”), the Participant is deemed to have given explicit permission for the Organiser and the Sponsors to collect, analyse, collate, share, disclose to third parties, sell and/or otherwise use without any liability to the Participant, any personal information relating to that Participant as may in its sole discretion deem fit, including without any limitation for its programmes, planning, data-processing and statistical or risk-analysis, research, fund-raising and/or any other purposes in furtherance of the functions. The Organiser and the Sponsors declare by virtue of being the Event owner or sponsor they can use services of third parties: 

1. For storing data within and outside of Malaysia, whichever one is deemed most reasonable by the Organiser; 

2. For the development or implementation of programs, products, or services as it may deem necessary; 

3. For outsourcing any program (s), event(s), talk(s), demonstration(s), and/or any activities; 

4. For promotional, marketing, and/or administrative purposes; 

5. For all purposes as required by law, including without limitation court proceedings, criminal investigations, or prosecutions or where so ordered by any competent authority; 

6. In connection with any proposed novation, assignment, transfer, sale, lease, license, partnership, joint-organizing, and/or any collaboration where and when required in relation thereto. 

3. Completion of the official entry form confirms the Participant’s agreement to abide by these Rules and Regulations and the Privacy Policy. 

4. The Organiser reserves the right to modify or substitute any of these Rules and Regulations and the Privacy Policy from time to time as they deem fit. Suppose there is ambiguity in any of the provisions. In that case, the Organiser shall be the authority to interpret, and in doing so, the Organiser will take into account the interests of all the affected Participants. It is the responsibility of the affected Participant to keep abreast with any changes. Please check the Official Website regularly for updated Rules and Regulations and the Privacy Policy. 

5. The The UPM International Academia Charity Run 2024 welcomes participants from ages 7 to 60 years old. 

6. The fee to participate in the run is RM70 RM60. Registration for the run is only confirmed upon payment made and/or upon issuance of a run identification number. The Organiser will not entertain nor be in any way responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete or inaccurate entry details in the registration form. 

7. The Organiser reserves the right to use any photographs (including those of Participants), motion pictures, recordings, or any other media records of the Event, including any program (s), event(s), talk(s), demonstration(s), or any other activities associated before, during or after the UPM International Academia Run 2024, for any legitimate purpose including commercial advertising, publicity purpose and distribution to Sponsors anywhere in the world.

8. While the Organiser will take every reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of Participants, the Participants take part solely at their own risk. The Organiser, Sponsors, and Affiliates will not be responsible or held liable for any injury, damage, contraction of communicable disease, death, or other loss, howsoever arising from training for, before, during, or after participation in UPM International Academia Run 2024. Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination and/or consult their medical practitioner prior to registration and before the race day. Participants must accept and understand that they must have the physical fitness suitable to participate in the run. 

9. The Organiser will not be responsible for any loss and/or damage, personal or otherwise, to the belongings and items. The Organiser also reserves the right to check any item or bag deposited for security purposes. 

10. A Race Entry Pack is the Event’s pack, which includes the running bib, clothes, and other sponsored items (if any). Race Entry Pack needs to be collected during the collection period, and if fails to do so, it will be deemed to be unwanted. The Organiser shall be at liberty to dispose or re-distribute them accordingly. Race Entry Packs cannot be collected on race day. 

11. The cut-off time for the 8km individual race is two (2) hours and thirty (30) minutes from the first flag-off. Road closures on the race route will be lifted after two (2) hours and thirty (30) minutes from the commencement of the race. Cut-off times will be set at specific checkpoints along the race route to ensure the safety of Participants who are unable to complete the 8km race within two (2) hours and thirty (30) minutes and to ensure that the roads can be re-opened to the public in accordance with the Event permit. These are all based on the gun time i.e., the time when the starting gun is fired.

12. Course Details: 

Distance: 8km 

Start & Finish: Faculty of Educational Studies, UPM

Course Type: Scenic loop through campus grounds, mixed terrain with paved paths and gentle hills. 

Key Landmarks: Highlights along the route will be marked and noted on the website map. 

13. General rules for The UPM International Academia Charity Run 2024; 

1. Publication of Race Results: 

By registering for the event, participants agree that the organizer may post the full race results on the official website after the event. 

2. Wearing of Running Bibs: 

Participants must wear the assigned running bib visibly on their chest. Running bibs should not be covered with jackets, pouch bags, arms, or any other object when crossing timing mats. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify any participant not using their assigned running bib during the race. 

3. Finisher Medals: 

Participants completing the 8km individual run within the cut-off times, including checkpoints along the race route, will receive a Finisher Medal upon presentation of their running bib. Finisher medals are to be collected upon completion of the race, and no requests will be entertained thereafter. 

4. E-Certificates: 

Participants completing the race within their respective cut-off times will receive an e-certificate sent via email. This entitlement applies to participants who complete the race within their respective cut-off times only and not applicable for participants who were disqualified, or did not finish. 

5. Pets & Animals: 

No pets or animals are allowed on the course. 

6. Disqualification: 

Participants disregarding safety rules and instructions, or engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct may be disqualified. 

7. Other Terms and Conditions: 
All other relevant terms and conditions, as well as rules and regulations, apply to the event.

Latest Update : Mon, 22 Jul 2024 (jazihan)