Speakers and Workshop
“Faster, Higher, Stronger: Technological Advancements in Sports & Physical Education”
25th - 26th September 2018
Hotel Tenera, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Dr. Heinz Nowoisky
National Olympic Service Centre, Germany
Title: “Applications of Computer and Measurement Technology during Sports Specific Training in Elite Sport”
Dr. Paul Glazier
National Sports Institute Malaysia
Title: “The Use of Feedback Technologies in Elite Sport”
Associate Professor Dr. Ahmad Munir Che Muhamad
Deputy Director (Research and Networking)
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Title: “Benefits of Training in the Heat: What Current Research Seems to Suggest”
Dr. Mohd Nidzam Jarwis
Exercise and Sport Science Programme
School of Health Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Title: “Physical Activity Habituation for Children”
Mr. Naoki Nishiyama
Hearts of Gold Cambodia
HG South-East Asia Office
#35G, Street 456, Toul Tompoung II, Chamkarmon
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Title: “Usage of Technology for the Diffusion of Physical Education in Cambodia”
Dr. Kok Lian Yee
Department of Sport Studies
Faculty of Educational Studies
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Title: “Recommended Exercise for Children Aged 5-17”
Mr. Erik Juul
VIA University Denmark
Title: “Physical Activity and Sports for Children: Lessons from Denmark”
Associate Professor Dr. Koh Koon Teck
Department of Physical Education & Sports Science
Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Title: “Using Flipped Classroom Approach for Physical Education”
Dr. Zainah Shariff
Chief Executive Officer
Institute for Youth Research Malaysia (IYRES)
Title: “Sports for All in Malaysia”
Professor Dr. Sabunim Lee
Kyungnam University
South Korea
Title: “Sports Education in South Korea”
Professor Dr. Abdul Hafiz Haji Omar
Faculty of Education
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Title: “Integrating Engineering into Sports”
Professor Dr. Masaaki Tokuda
Faculty of Medicine
Kagawa University
Title: “TEAM KAGAWA: Our Multi-disciplinary Innovative Approach for Prevention and Therapy of Lifestyle Related Diseases”
Mr. Erik Juul
VIA University Denmark
Modified Games
Professor Dr. Sabunim Lee
Kyungnam University
South Korea
Enhancing Match Official Performance through Sports Apps.
Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin
Faculty of Psychology and Education
Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Interval Hypoxia Hyperoxia Training for the Enhancement of Sport Performance
Professor Dr. Oleg S. Glazachev
Director Center for International Education
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University