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  • 173


Kertas Kerja

The official language for this conference is English. A maximum of three proposals will be accepted for each lead author. Submissions are to be made to one or more of the following categories:


Refereed papers (full manuscripts):

Papers should be about but no more than 6,000 words in length (all-inclusive, including tables and references) with an abstract of about but no more than 250 words. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings unless authors request otherwise. Authors of accepted papers are encouraged, following the conference, to submit them to the HRD journals: Human Resource Development International, Human Resource Development Quarterly, and Human Resource Development Review. Authors may also wish to gather similar topic papers and submit their theme to Advances in Developing Human Resources.


Work-in-progress (WIP) papers:

Extended summary of proposal/paper of about but no more than 3,000 words, to include paper’s significance, theoretical base, research purpose, research question/s, and methodology/methods.


Practice-based papers:

Interested professionals and institutions (research institutes, companies, consulting agencies, government agencies, NGOs, and so on) may propose in this category to demonstrate good HRD practice. Submit a proposal within but close to 3,000 words. Proposals should have significant learning potential, must be based on sound theory and research, and should not be for publicity or commercial benefit.

Kemaskini Terakhir : Tue, 25 Feb 2020 (lateef)