Keynote Address

Professor Dr. Rusli Abdullah
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, UPM
Professor Rusli Abdullah is currently Professor, Software Engineering and Information System Department, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University Putra Malaysia (UPM). Specialized in Knowledge Management, he has completed his PhD in Computer Science at University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia in 2006. Starting his career as a lecturer since 2006 after served as System Analyst for 8 years at UPM.He has published over 14 books and over 60 journal papers, conference publications and other academic research publications. He has also received numerous awards and recognitions throughout his career that includes Silver Medal for University Research Invention in 2008 and 2009, Gold Medal for University Research Invention 2005, Silver Medal for Invention of Technology and Exposition I-TEX (2009), Silver Medal for Malaysian Research Invention and Exposition – MTE (2010, 2012 & 2014) and Certification of University Excellent Services of Lecturer Service for many years since 1999.
He has been appointed as Head of Lab for Institute of Software Development, UPM in 2007, Deputy of Chief Information Officer for IDeC, UPM in 2008, Head of Information System Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, UPM in 2008 and the most recent he is a Deputy Dean of Computer Science and Information Technology, UPM from 2009 to 2014. His experience in the field has made him to be selected as a keynote speaker for several conferences includes International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems (ICAEES-2014), Noorul Islam University, India in 2014, 12th WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed System (SEPAD’13), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom in 2013 and Malaysia Software Engineering Conference (Mysec2013). He is part of the Technical Advisory Group of UPM Student Information System from 2009 to 2012 and currently as a committee member of Malaysia Software Engineering Interest Group (MySiG) which he has been appointed since 2007. Along his service, he has received over 11 research grant as principle investigator (PI) and also been involved as a chairman as well as a committee members for many conferences at national and international levels.
Title: Writing and publishing information system research papers in impact journal.
Writing and publishing a research output in a form of paper such as journal article is very important requirement for researcher. However, there are many difficulties faced by researchers in writing and publishing their research papers especially in the field of information system in high impact journal. Therefore, this presentation aims at highlighting the most important aspects and useful tips when writing for high impact journal and making sure it will be accepted for publishing. The presentations will also about sharing some of the important processes involved in evaluating the research paper towards successful publishing.

Mr. Lukman Md. Said
Head (ICT), KLCC Holdings Sdn. Bhd
Lukman M. Said has been with KLCC Group of Companies for the past 25 years and being involved with various project locally and internationally, where his in-depth field experience and his understanding of customer business needs, enabled him to provide his customers with optimum solutions.
With his vast experience in ICT and Project Management, Lukman currently leads and manages the ICT services for KLCC Group of Companies and his responsibilities include the following;
- Responsible for the management of the ICT services for the KLCC Group of Companies.
- Formulate and manage the ICT Strategies, Blueprint and Technology Plan required for the Group business and align them to the PETRONAS ICT Policy.
- Manage and monitor the performance delivery and Service Level Agreement of ICT operations as per prescribed agreement with the contractor to ensure service delivery meet Group ICT needs.
- Periodic review of the departmental procedure, work process and guidelines and ensure they are documented, updated and put into practice within the ICT operations.
- Provide consultation and technical advise on ICT applications and ICT related business issues to functional department within the group.
- Plan and manage the acquisition and maintenance of fixed asset for KLCC Group
Introduction :
Modern IT leaders are under siege and there is no doubt that the CIO role is changing. It has to; technology and the role it plays in business has changed significantly over the last 5-10 years . CIOs are expected to keep systems up and running, while also keeping track of fast-changing business demands and the technologies that can help improve organisational effectiveness. Juggling those mixed roles is a tough gig. Many CIOs developed their expertise in the closed confines of the IT department. However, their C-suite peers now expect IT chiefs to move beyond operational IT concerns and to spend more time engaging with the business.
The role of the organisation’s industry leader has to change to keep in line with this shift. Boards realise this. They are beginning to ask for a different type of CIO, one that can play a leading role in the digital age. And that needs different skills, experience and qualities to those CIOs needed in the past. Being a CIO is now less about being technical per se and more about making things happen that are enabled by technology. CIOs should use such forms of engagement to match broader organisational aims with digital capabilities, including those associated to CLOUD, MOBILITY, BIG DATA, ANALYTICS and SOCIAL MEDIA.

Mr. Mahfuzal Othman
Technical Director and Software Manager of eNCoral Digital Solutions Sdn. Bhd.
Mahfuzal Othman is currently the Managing Director of ANSI System Sdn Bhd. Previously, Mahfuzal worked as the Technical Director and Software Manager of eNCoral Digital Solutions Sdn. Bhd. He received his Bachelor of Information Technology from Universiti Utara Malaysia, in 1996. His technical expertise includes cross-platform proficiency (Windows, Linux and Sun Solaris); and advanced knowledge of developer applications, tools, methodologies and best practices (in Oracle Database Administration, Tuning, Backup and Recovery, Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle Application and Developer, Deployment and Server Management Technology and Oracle CRM e-Commerce. For the last 20 years span, Mahfuzal has undertaken ICT projects for HUKM, UPM, Celcom, CIDB, PPZ, Jakim and Jabatan Penjara Malaysia.
Title: Big Data For Gov – Challenges And Opportunities
Big Data challenges and opportunity in context of Malaysian Government. Vast amount of data collected since the administration started to modernized government related processes and medium of deliveries. Technology played an important role of information technology adoption. Computerization era begun with silo host based applications mainly for recording and filing purposes. The journey continued with client server that featured rich and intuitive human computer interfaces. Internet wave once again changed the landscape of government interaction with its stake holder. Data now is a new oil. Reporting technology evolved to a point where government officers could oversee their businesses at a glance of simplified web pages - business intelligence dashboard. At this juncture, we had realized almost every government's ministry, department and agency has their own data center hosted thousand petabytes of precious data that can be blended and modeled to churn new knowledge. The knowledge could lead us in solving complex health related puzzle, enhance overall security of the nation or even knowledge to set policy of the country. The presentation will be discussing among few immediate opportunities can be derived from Big Data project by Malaysian government and what are the hurdles and challenges we must overcome to gauge our readiness for such initiatives.

Dr. Zoharah Omar
Faculty of Educational Studies, UPM
Dr. Zoharah Omar is a Senior Lecturer at the Dept. of Professional Development & Continuing Education, Faculty of Educational Studies Universiti Putra Malaysia. She holds a PhD in Psychology specializing in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She teaches courses on data interpretation and analysis and research methodology at undergraduate and post graduate level and conducts workshops on SEM using AMOS workshops. She has strong interest in the use and applications of SEM and has attended workshops in Malaysia on SEM, and has undergone a two weeks course on SEM organized by the Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research (ASCPRI) in Brisbane, Australia.
"Seminar on Data Analysis and Interpretation"
1. Basics of Data Analysis and Interpretation
a) Choosing the right statistical test
2. Preliminary issues in data analysis
a) Instrument
i) Scaling/Response Format
ii) Reverse Item (Negatively worded item)
iii) Testing the instrument reliability and validity
b) Data Transformation
i) Computing/Transforming scores
ii) Normal distribution and dealing with data that are not normally distribtuted
3. Interpreting results
a) Statistical significance vs effect size
b) Reporting findings and making conclusions
4. Introducing advanced statistical technique – the third variable factor
a) Testing Mediation effect
b) Testing Moderating effect

Liana Jacinta Jaganathan
MYREN Program Manager
Graduated from Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia in Bachelor of Engineering (Honors) in Computer Engineering, and with an MBA from the same university, Liana Jacinta is currently the MYREN Program Manager. She is responsible for the management and organization of MYREN activities and its community.
Liana has been with MYREN since its birth in 2005 and has since progressed from a network engineer to a program manager till date. She particularly takes interest in organizing various awareness programs for MYREN in terms of technical talks, seminars, conferences and trainings for both the academic and research community in a variety of research related topics. She’s part of the CONNECT-ASIA network that promotes ICT and collaborations over the research network. Liana also oversees the existing 11 working groups and nurtures potentials research areas to be part of MYREN to collaborate locally and globally. Liana too has close engagements with TEIN partners, our international connectivity provider as well others international collaborators nation-wide.Title: MyREN Today