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STEMadani Education Innovation Competition

Please read the competition rules carefully:


To participate, you need to register and submit the abstract using the Google form link:

  1. STEM innovation works, or products are original, relevant, and have never been contested. 
  2. Competition participation is open to all STEM and non-STEM educators and students from educational institutions, including vocational colleges, teachers, and lecturers (schools, polytechnics, teaching colleges, public and private universities, and any educational institution). 
  3. Participation can be individual or in groups of up to 7 persons. 
  4. This competition will be conducted physically or face-to-face. 
  5. The deadline to submit the abstract is 1 October 2024, by 11:00 pm. 
  6. Each entry must provide a printed innovation poster (A1 size) for display at the event. 
  7. The judging and presentation session with two judges will be held at the event booth on 24 October 2024. 
  8. The decision of the evaluation panel on the project evaluation is final. 
  9. The results of the STEMadani Innovation Competition will be announced at the Closing Ceremony of the Malaysia Education Dean Council National Seminar. 
  10. Each entry is eligible for a medal and certificate, with additional fees for extra medals and certificates.
Abstract template and poster template can be downloaded here

Latest Update : Tue, 03 Sep 2024 (jazihan)