Languages : malay | english

  • 173

  • 173


There are two types of manuscripts,
1. extended abstract,
2. full paper

Please refer below for the templates. Choose ONE template that is suitable for the type of extended abstract you wish to submit.

The extended abstract and/or full paper template can be downloaded in the links below. Abstract acceptance notification and link for extended abstract and full paper submission will be provided to presenters via e-mail.

Manuscript Format:
Manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word file (*.doc/*docx), A4 size, and single-spaced in 11-point type Times New Roman with custom setting margins (Top=1.80cm, Bottom=1.80cm, Left=2.50cm,Right=1.80cm).

1. Extended abstracts 
Should be at least three pages, but not more than five pages in length including the references. Word limit is 1500 - 2000 words.

2. Full Paper
Should be at least six pages, but not more than eight pages in length including the references. Word limit is 3000 - 4000 words.

All students are required to submit their extended abstract and/or full paper to Turnitin and get the Turnitin report before they submit their extended abstract and/or full paper to i-GREduc 2024 Seminar.

They are also required to submit the Turnitin report along with the extended abstract and/or full paper.

Extended abstract and/or full paper with elements of PLAGIARISM (above 20%) from the Turnitin report will be rejected.

Please click on this link to learn how to complete a Turnitin report (

Extended abstract and/or full paper that does not meet the requirements of the format will also be rejected.

All accepted extented abstract and/or full paper will be published in the form of e-proceedings with ISBN. Proceedings will be published in the Malay Language (for extended abstract and/or full paper written in the Malay Language) and also in English (for extended abstract and/or full paper written in English). Extended abstract and/or full paper will only be published when they are written in an acceptable standard of Malay/English language.

Awards will be given to the best presenters, best manuscript and best supervisors.

Documents for i-GREduc2024

1. i-GREduc2024 Conceptual Extended Abstract/Full Paper Template
2. i-GREDUC2024_Research Article and Systematic Literature Review_Extended Abstract/Full Paper Template

Latest Update : Thu, 05 Sep 2024 (khamasnida)