Presenter and Participant Registration
For PARTICIPANTS, please ensure that you have made the payment before completing the registration
Click this link for the presenter and participant registration form:

Information for Presenters
The information for presenters on time allocation, equipment used and presentation specifications are as follows.
1. All presenters are required to prepare their presentation deck/slides in pptx format.
2. Online presentation link will be provided by the Secretariat. If you do not receive this link by 11 November 2024, please inform us at email:
3. The length of the both physical and online presentation should not be more than 15 minutes.
4. Presenters who are attending the conference physically must bring their presentation slides saved on a USB drive. Please DO NOT submit your presentation slides to the Secretariat.
5. For those who have more than one presentation scheduled, you are responsible for identifying any time conflicts and reporting it to the Abstract Secretariat by 30 October 2024 (GMT+8 at 23:59) so that corrections can be made.
6. Each presentation room will be equipped with the followings:
i. One unit of microphone for the presenter
ii. One laptop for presentation
iii. One built-in LCD projector and projection screen
iv. Please note that in Malaysia, power plugs and sockets (outlets) of type G are used. The standard voltage is 240 V at a frequency of 50 Hz.
7. Presenters must arrange their own converters/adaptors if they plan to use their own laptops for the presentation. They are also responsible for bringing VGA and HDMI connectors compatible with their laptops.
8. Presenters are responsible for the cost of any additional equipment beyond what is provided. If you require extra equipment for your presentation, please contact the Secretariat at
Format and Time Limit
For Individual/ Group paper presentation (physical / online), the time allocation for each presentation is as follows:
1. Presentations will be conducted according to sequence.
Latest Update : Thu, 26 Sep 2024 (faisfadly)