Day 1: 10th July 2019 (Wednesday)
8.00 am |
Arrival of Guests / Participants |
Pacific Ballroom |
8.30 am |
Arrival of VIP Arrival of YBhg. Prof. Datin Paduka Dato' Dr. Aini Ideris, Vice Chancellor of Universiti Putra Malaysia Arrival of YBhg. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Meor Abdul Aziz bin Hj. Osman, Director General, Public Works Department, Malaysia |
9.00 am |
National Anthem “Negaraku” and Putra Gemilang Doa Recitation Opening Ceremony: Opening Remarks by YBrs. Prof. Ir. Dr. Ratnasamy Muniandy, Co-Chairs of ICPT 2019 Speech By YBhg. Prof. Datin Paduka Dato' Dr. Aini Ideris, Vice Chancellor of UPM Launching Ceremony: Officiated by YBhg. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Meor Abdul Aziz bin Hj. Osman, Director General, Public Works Department, Malaysia Souvenior-Giving Ceremony |
10.00 am |
Coffee Break/ Exhibition |
10.30 am |
Keynote Address I: YBhg. Dato’ Ir. Hj. Che Noor Azeman Yusoff Director of Road and Bridge Engineering Specialist, Road Branch, Public Works Department, Malaysia Title: The role of Road Network in Economic Development |
11.00 am |
Keynote Address II: Professor Frank Bullen Honorary Professor, University of Southern Queensland, Australia Title: Soil Mechanics, Water and Pavement |
11.30am |
Keynote Address III: Professor Dr. Kelvin C.P. Wang Professor, Oklahoma State University, United States Title: Asset Management of Road and Airfield Pavements |
12.00 noon |
Keynote Address IV : Professor Manfred Partl Adjunct Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm Title: Towards Improving Service Life of Asphalt Pavements |
12.30 pm |
Technical Presentation I : Abdreas Lutz International Product Manager- Anton Paar Germany Title: Investigation of Suitable testing method for GTR modified asphalt binder |
12.45 pm |
Technical Presentation II : Chan Ying Ying Regional Asphalt Sales Manager- ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Private Limited Title: ExxonMobil Asphalt |
1.00 pm |
Technical Presentation III : Garrick Chong Qastalani Sdn Bhd Title: Hansuk PMB- Binder Material Science |
1.15 pm |
Lunch / Exhibition |
2.00 pm |
Parallel Sessions I 1.1. Pavement, Design, Evaluation and Performance 1.2. Materials And Constructions |
Rooms 1.1. Pacific Ballroom A 1.2. Pacific Ballroom C |
5.00 pm |
Coffee / Tea Break / Exhibition |
7.30 pm |
Pacific Ballroom |
Day 2: 11th July 2019 (Wednesday)
9.00 am |
Parallel Sessions II 2.1. Pavement, Design, Evaluation and Performance 2.2. Materials and Constructions 2.3. Sustainability in Pavement Engineering 2.4. Other Pavement Related Topics |
Rooms 2.1. Pacific Ballroom A 2.2. Pacific Ballroom C 2.3. Bunga Kenanga 2.4. Bunga Melor |
10.30 am |
Coffee / Tea Break / Exhibition |
11.00 am |
Parallel Sessions III 3.1. Materials and Constructions 3.2. Materials and Constructions 3.3. Sustainability in Pavement Engineering 3.4. Other Pavement Related Topics |
Rooms 3.1. Pacific Ballroom A 3.2. Pacific Ballroom C 3.3. Bunga Kenanga 3.4. Bunga Melor |
12.30 pm |
Lunch / Exhibition |
2.00 pm |
Parallel Sessions IV 4.1. Pavement, Design, Evaluation and Performance 4.2. Materials and Constructions 4.3. Sustainability in Pavement Engineering 4.4. Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Technique |
Rooms 4.1. Pacific Ballroom A 4.2. Pacific Ballroom C 4.3. Bunga Kenanga 4.4. Bunga Melor |
5.00 pm |
Coffee / Tea Break / Exhibition |
Day 3: 12th July 2019 (Wednesday)
9.00 am |
Morning Refreshment |
9.15 am |
Parallel Sessions V 5.1. Other Pavement Related Topics
Rooms 5.1. Pacific Ballroom C
11.00 am |
Pacific Ballroom A & B |
2.30 pm |
Social Visit |
Malacca |
Technical Visit Details
Malacca, Historical City Tour

Places to visit:
1. St. Paul's Church
2. A-Famosa
3. Porta de Santiago
4. The Stadthyus
5. Palace Museum
6. Taming Sari Tower
7. Maritime Museum
8. River Cruise (night)
More details.