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Tentatif Program

TENTATIVE - Click here

or copy and paste the following link to a new tab/browser


  1. The medium of the conference will be held using Zoom.
  2. All participants are highly suggested to install the Zoom software on their respective PCs/laptops earlier before the conference day.
  3. The virtual conference will be held in live mode (The pre-recorded video are meant only as a backup).
  4. Each participant will be allocated for only 10 min of presentation.
  5. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the session (5 min for each presenter). All Q&As will be gathered and opened at the end of each session
  6. All presenters must stay in their respective online room until the end of the session for the Q&A.
  7. Only live presenter will be evaluated for the Best Presenter Award.
  8. All presenters is COMPULSORY to attend the respective appointed session and be prepared for the Q&A session at the end the session.

Kemaskini Terakhir : Tue, 14 Jun 2022 (sapuan)