Date of conference:
4 - 5 October 2021
Online Webinar
Main Speakers:
1. | ![]() Keiko Horii Musashino University , JAPAN Keiko HORII is an emeritus professor of Musashino University, Japan, and was a Professor of Japanese Language Education the Head of Department of Japanese Communication, Faculty of Global Studies and Head of Graduate School of Language and Culture for the last 10 years. Her research primarily focuses on developing teaching methods and materials for teaching Business Japanese as a foreign language. Prof Horii has published more than 100 articles, books and journals. She has also made over 80 presentations at global studies conferences inside and outside Japan. Over the last two decades, she is actively involved in many Japanese educational activities; she served as the Vice Chairman of the International Joint Committee of the Japanese Language Education Association, Chairman of the Business Japanese Researach Association Research Council and a member of European Association for Japanese Studies, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Japanese OPI Research Association, Intercultural Education Association, International Student Education Association, Japanese Language Education Association and a visiting professor at various universities locally and abroad. |
2. | ![]() Muhammad Sabri Sahrir International Islamic University Malaysia Muhammad Sabri Sahrir is a professor at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur. He is currently teaching at the Department of Language and Literacy, Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM. Used to be appointed also as Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs at Kulliyyah of Languages and Management, Head, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, KIRKHS and Head, Department of Language and Literacy, Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM. Obtained his PhD in Instructional Technology, UiTM in 2011, and he has published more than 90 journal articles, 18 books including 2 Arabic textbooks for Malaysian national schools. He is actively participating in various design and innovation competitions since 2011 and won various 30 medals of gold, silver, bronze and special award inside and outside Malaysia. He is also selected as editorial boards of various refereed journals and appointed as programme academic advisors and assessors in Arabic language for several Malaysian universities such as UniSZA, UMK, USIM and KUIS. He was a member of panel in the Benchmark Standards for Languages for the Malaysian Qualification Agency (2018). Also invited to conduct various academic trainings on innovation in education and writing journal articles at IIUM, ICESCO Malaysia, Ministry of Education, UniSZA, UM, MEDIU, UNISSA, KUPU Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam and Umm al-Qura University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His research interests are educational technology, language education, teacher education, teaching Arabic as a second language and innovation in education. |
3. | ![]() Ismi Arif Ismail Universiti Putra Malaysia Ismi Arif Ismail is a professor at Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is currently the Director of Institute for Social Science Studies, a Research Institute focusing on youth wellbeing and also the co-founder of Putra Future Classroom in Universiti Putra Malaysia. He joined UPM in 2000 and has been widely published, as author or co-author of a book, book chapters, monographs, proceedings, and scores of scholarly papers, abstracts and related materials in areas such as extension and continuing education, future learning, leadership, youth development and human resource development. Prof. Ismi received a bachelor's degree in TESL (Hons) from National University of Malaysia in 1993, a master's degree in Extension Education from UPM in 1999 and a doctorate in Continuing Education from the University of Warwick, United Kingdom in 2005. He is also a principal researcher at Innovative Learning Science Research Centre of Excellence, and the co-founder of the IR 4.0 in Education Graduate Studies Program at the Faculty of Educational Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia. |
Latest Update : Sat, 11 Sep 2021 (zulismail)