About Us

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), since its establishment in 1931 as a college of agriculture, has grown from strength to strength to its current status as one of the leading research universities in Malaysia and in the region. Its range of academic disciplines and its recognised academic excellence have attracted students from all over the world. UPM currently has a student population of about 29,000, 3,000 of which are international students from 60 different countries.
With 16 faculties and 9 institutes, UPM’s impressive range of academic disciplines spans diverse areas such as agriculture, forestry, veterinary, medicine, medicine and health sciences, economics and management, engineering, educational studies, science, food science and technology, human ecology, modern languages and communication, design and architecture, computer science and information technology, biotechnology and biomolecular sciences, environmental sciences, and food sciences. Approximately 450 students graduate with PhD degrees annually, and more than 70% of its academic staff hold PhD degrees from universities worldwide.
With the motto ‘With Knowledge We Serve’ as its driving force, UPM continues to strive towards establishing itself as a respected university of international standing. In conjunction with this, UPM has collaborated with renowned international universities as its partner institutions to create an international collaborative programme for postgraduate studies.
UPM has two campuses, the main campus in Serdang, Selangor, and its branch campus in Bintulu, Sarawak. The main campus, also commonly known as the ‘green campus’, is a sprawling 1,200 hectares of tropical greenery in Serdang, about 22 km south of Kuala Lumpur, and approximately 45 km from KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport).
For more information about UPM, please visit the official website: www.upm.edu.my
The Faculty of Forestry is one of the founding faculties during the establishment of Universiti Putra Malaysia, formerly known as Universiti Pertanian Malaysia in 1971. The mission of the faculty is to be a centre of learning and education in the field of tropical forestry, which contributes not only to human advancement and the discovery of knowledge but also to the creation of wealth and development. To achieve this mission, the faculty has established, in the field of forest management, wood industry, recreation and eco-tourism, the following objectives, to:
• Produce quality graduates to meet the nation’s manpower requirements
• Produce specially trained forestry human resource through postgraduate programmes
• Conduct relevant and advanced research for the development and sustainability of forest resources
• Provide professional forestry services including the dissemination of knowledge
To achieve excellence in teaching and research, the faculty has been working closely with other faculties in UPM as well as forest agencies and institutions in the country and abroad.
Since its inception, the faculty has grown rapidly. In 2013, the faculty has 50 academic staff members supported by 80 non-academic members.
For more information about Faculty of Forestry, UPM, please visit the official website: www.forr.upm.edu.my