Languages : malay | english

  • 173


The purpose of organizing this seminar is to:


  1. Increase awareness of the concept of Society 5.0 by emphasizing the integration of digital technology and society in facing various challenges including food safety.
  2. Exchange of knowledge and best practices among stakeholders including policy makers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and community leaders on innovative approaches to achieve food security within the framework of Society 5.0.
  3. Foster collaboration between various sectors such as government, academia, industry and civil society to develop holistic solutions to address food safety issues.
  4. Empowering communities by providing them with the knowledge, resources and tools needed to face challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity.
  5. Inspiring individuals and organizations to act towards achieving food security in communities, whether through grassroots initiatives, entrepreneurship, or policy advocacy.

Latest Update : Tue, 04 Jun 2024 (nurulakhtar)