Renewable energy is important due to its significant benefits. One of the advantages is the environmental impact as it significantly reduces carbon footprint. Renewable energy is an infinite natural energy resource; thus, it meets the needs of the present energy utilization without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The rapid development and deployment of renewable energy also contributes greatly job creation and the economy. Finally, it provides energy security, as the growth and future development in a country is based on its power consumption.
Realizing the importance of renewable energy, Universiti Putra Malaysia Bintulu Campus has taken the initiative to organize the first ever International Conference on Green and Renewable Energy (GREEN2020), designed as a platform for reporting, discussing, improving and disseminating recent developments in renewable energy science, technology, engineering, business and policy. Participants from various organizations such as universities, institutes, NGOs, associations, industries etc. are invited. It is an international event with the ambition to share leading research expertise and facilitate development and thus to be one of the renewable energy knowledge transfer channels. The conference is a must for research groups working on renewable energy science, technology, engineering, policy and development. The conference will facilitate synergies between academia and industries.
The aim of GREEN2020 is to be a forum to generate knowledge through the exchange of ideas and sharing of the latest developments in the field of renewable energy technology.
The main theme for GREEN2020 is “Current Status and Future of Renewable Energy”. The focuses are on five keys renewable energy areas:
- Biomass, Biogas and Solid Waste Energy
- Solar and Wind Energy
- Hydro and Tidal Energy
- Alternative Fuel (Biodiesel and Hydrogen)
- Policy and Social Needs