Extended abstract submission for iFSC2019 is now open. Participants are invited to submit original extended abstract for oral and poster presentation. All accepted extended abstracts will be compiled in a proceeding book. Extended abstract must be sent/upload via Online Submission form to the secretariat by July 31, 2019 September 30, 2019. An acknowledgement email for the receipt of the submitted extended abstract will be sent within two (2) working days. If the authors have not received the acknowledgement email or the result notification emails within the above specific periods, they can contact us by email at ifsc2019upm@gmail.com. Notification of acceptance will be given after two weeks after the receipt of the extended abstract.
NOTE: Accepted extended abstracts will not be scheduled for presentation if the registration fee is paid in full by September 30, 2019.
Selected papers presented at iFSC2019 will be invited to publish in the suitable peer-reviewed journals below:
1. Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences (www.ukm.my/mjas/mjas2018)
2. Journal of Solid State Science and Technology (http://journal.masshp.net)
#ifsc2019upm Latest Update : Thu, 05 Sep 2019 (ibra)