
It gives me a great pleasure, on behalf of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, to extend to you all a very warm welcome. I applaud the initiative of the Department of Biochemistry in organizing the Biochemistry Homecoming Seminar. I would like to express my gratitude to our alumni, especially our three invited speakers. Heartiest congratulations and I extend thankful wishes to them for their willingness to participate in the spirit of giving back to their alma matters. I also wish best of luck for the future assignments to come. Your effort is gladly appreciated and rewarded.
Science, technology and innovation are central to success in today’s economy. It is imperative that activities like this be inculcated in seeking future research opportunities and promoting scientific and technological networking among researchers, institutions and industries. This Homecoming Seminar has been successfully organized for the past 6 years and becoming a tradition for the Department of Biochemistry. Let the tradition continue for the wellbeing of the faculty and to the alumni’s future endeavour.
Last but not least, I would like to congratulate and express my appreciation to the organizing committee for their contribution in making this seminar a success. Once again, have a fruitful seminar and welcome home to all speakers
Best wishes and thank you.
Prof. Dr. Arbakariya Ariff
Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences
Universiti Putra Malaysia