Mr. Mohd Hafiz Bin Ramly is the Chief Assistant Director at the Planning Coordination Unit of Planning Development Division in the Department of Agricultural, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Malaysia (MOA). Before he was appointed for his current post, he was holding positions as the Assistant Director of the Internal Service Training Unit and Information Training Unit of Human Resource Development Division of MOA, as well as the Assistant Director of Integrated Agricultural Development Area (IADP) since 2007 until 2016. Also, he has once worked at the Pantai Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur as a medical lab scientist. Mr. Mohd Hafiz graduated from the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), where he received the BSc (Honours) in Biochemistry in 2005. Based on the broad prospective of his career, Mr. Mohd Hafiz is well-known to be expert in numerous areas including, procurement management, financial management, project planning, effective communication, as well as planning and evaluation training. In person, Mr. Mohd Hafiz is someone that has a high level of confidence, loves to act the way he does, competitive, perfectionist, determined, sensitive and elegant. Besides that, he has commendable communication skills due to his vast experience as a successful debater for his secondary school, as well as UPM. Outstandingly, he has received the Excellent Service Award, Master Trainer Award and has also been appointed as the Assistant Secretary for the Association of Agricultural Officers (PERPETA).