Mr Muhamad Akhmal Hakim is the CEO at Halways Sdn Bhd, an agricultural biotechnology company that focuses on empowering food sustainability among the local farmers. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Animal Production, majoring in animal production technology at the Institute of Tropical Agriculture & Food Security (ITAFOS), Universiti Putra Malaysia. He received his BSc (Honours) degree in Biochemistry from UPM in 2012. During his bachelor studies, he has been crowned with various awards, such as ‘Anugerah Tokoh Pelajar’, ‘Anugerah Kecemerlangan Pelajar Tahun Akhir’ and ‘Hadiah Dr. Abdullah Sipat’. Additionally, he has been listed in the Dean’s list at the Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences for three semesters throughout his undergraduate study. He has successfully published his research in reputable journals including, Journal of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Biotechnology, The IIOAB Journal, BioResources Journal and Tropical Life Sciences Research Journal. Incredibly, he and his colleagues have filed a patent for their creative intervention in research, which is the apparatus and methodology for removing contaminants from palm kernel cake. Apart of being in the educational line, he has also experienced being a journal editor, analysis trainer, as well as consultant. In fact, at present he is actively involved in the industrial world as a trainer in seminars and workshops that relate to the farming and probiotic technology, as well as high-technology equipment analysis for advanced research in biotechnology.
Latest Update : Mon, 08 Oct 2018 ()